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Does UPS deliver on Easter 2019


Mar 12 2019

Here you can find the detailed UPS Easter schedule for 2019. This info can come in handy for every carrier's customer.

No, UPS does not deliver on Easter Sunday, except the UPS Express Critical service.

does ups deliver on easter monday 2019

ups easter 2019

One of the greatest Christian holidays - Easter, causes not only the awe among the inhabitants of the whole world, but also causes a question - Does UPS deliver on Easter? Unluckily, the UPS carrier doesn’t deliver packages on this holiday. That’s why you need to plan your deliveries in advance and try to avoid any sending before Easter Sunday. This can help you to prevent delays caused by the extra day-off.

What was UPS Easter schedule 2018?

In accordance to the widespread belief, UPS Easter schedule in 2018 was as same as in this year. It means that all the UPS options was unavailable for all the customers. However, the company left the opportunity to send for those customers, who urgently needed to organize a delivery. Only the UPS Express Critical option is working on UPS Easter schedule. This service lets you to offer a shipping without reference to the holiday.

Does UPS deliver on Easter Monday?

If you are a person, who is frequently asking a question “Does UPS deliver on Easter Monday” – we have written this article for you. Luckily, UPS have a regular schedule on Easter Monday. It means that all the services are available for every person, who needs them. You don’t need to change your planes or reschedule the delivery for UPS Easter Monday – because everything will arrive on time without any delays.

Written by Barbara D.

Last modified 02.04.2019